Saturday, 25 January 2014

The time may soon come for men to stand up and fight.

A Call to arms from Cardinal Wuerl

Washington DC 24th June 2012

“In the presence of our Lord we will kneel. There is a time to be on one’s knees. There is also a time when we need to stand — to stand up. Today there are things that should mean enough to all of us, including our religious liberty, that we simply need to stand — to stand up for what is right, to stand up for what is ours, to stand up for freedom of religion.”

There are many things happening in our world today. The secular society is looking to crush the church.

Here is a link to the Vericast broadcast of  Dec 23 2013 in a show called Warrior Spirit.

I will in further blog posts start to deal with the Warrior Spirit in the Catholic Church and what men may be called to do.